Hello Residents! Happy New Year to all!
Two items for you:
Two items for you:
- When shoveling, please remember to shovel the sidewalk at the end of your driveway. The sidewalk must be clear across the entire length of your property. If you have a corner lot, please shovel the walk along the side of your lot as well. We have many walkers in the neighborhood, so let's keep it safe for everyone! Please see this website for information: http://www.denversnowplan.com/resources.htm#snowremoval, which says in part: “Once snow has stopped falling, residences have twenty-four (24) hours to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks adjacent to their property”.
- Please take a look at the service directory and the neighborhood directory. Do you have any updates or additions to make? Is your phone number correct? If you don't have the password to access the neighborhood directory, you can request it with the link below.