A few notes for you :
- Re: City Council--If you would like to receive weekly agendas, meeting schedules, etc. please go to our website (http://www.wellshireeast.org/neighborhood-news.html) where the link is available.
- The season for paving streets has begun ! We are all anxious for that to happen in our neighborhood. BUT 1st things 1st --- We are in touch with the Denver Water Department to get an update on the water line main replacement for our neighborhood. That needs to be completed before the street work is done or the paving job would be negated. We hope to alert both departments so that the work is coordinated.
- Street Sweeping: You may notice on page 3 of Peggy's Pages that the sweeping will take place this month. It appears that our area is scheduled for Tuesday of the 4th week.
- Walking your dog/dogs - Hopefully we can get off this subject soon ! It has been brought to our attention to remind you to deposit dog droppings in your own trash or at the park receptacle - not in someone else's because it is closest.....some folks do not have their bin emptied every week...the summer heat brings unfavorable odors. Thank you!
SO LONG FOR NOW.............
Lois, Amanda , Marge & Board